Assess for any contraindications to client receiving oral medication. 病人口服药物禁忌症。
Bain oral medication for children is one of the world's first non-prescription analgesic antipyretic child-specific medicines. 儿童用药贝恩口服液是世界上第一个非处方儿童解热镇痛专用药。
Objective: To discussion the curative effect of oral medication combined externally applies to therapy ROU. 目的:探讨内服外敷综合治疗复发性口腔溃疡的疗效。
Conclusion: The cognitive, attitudes for medical patients for their oral medication safety are medium level, while lower level behavior; 结论内科住院患者参与口服用药安全的认知、态度均属中等水平,而行为水平较低;
This paper summarizes the treatment of prolapse of lumbar intervertebral disc by Chinese medicine such as oral medication, external application, massage, acupuncture, acupoint injection. 从内服汤剂、外用针灸推拿以及外敷、注射等方面对腰椎间盘突出症的中医药治疗近况作一综述。
The school teacher will administer first aid to students, but will not prescribe any oral medication. 学校仅给予急救事故处理,不配给口服药。
Conclusion: To treat ROU by Oral medication combined externally applies can gain obvious curative effect, which is worth to be utilized in clinic work. 结论:内服外敷综合治疗复发性口腔溃疡确有明显疗效,值得临床运用。
Therefore, one should follow the guidance of doctors and pharmacists when needing to take the over-the-counter ( OTC) oral pain medication sold in the market. 所以,对市售的非处方药(OTC)口服止痛药,需服用时也应听从医生和药师的指导。
For this reason, instructions should be given to take the prescribed oral analgesic medication at the first sign of discomfort, because pain is most readily treated before it becomes excruciating. 因此要给予病人指导和开出口服镇痛药在开始出现不适时使用,因为疼痛在变严重之前最好治疗。
Results The analysis to the data demonstrated high frequency in intravenous transfusion, measurement of life signs, morning and evening nursing, muscular injection and oral medication. 结果静脉输液、生命体征测量、晨晚间护理、肌内注射及口服给药操作频率较高;
Exclusive criterion: the patients who treated with topical or oral antifungal medication. 排除标准:最近一个月内口服或外用过抗真菌药物的患者。
By analyzing the clinical indications, adverse reactions and the character of pharmacokinetics of injection puerarin, this article explores the necessity of oral medication of Puerarin. 本文通过对葛根素注射液的临床适应症、不良反应、药动学特性,探讨葛根素口服给药的必要性;
Many studies have shown, I3C has the action in the body through these acid reaction products.I3C has activity through oral medication, but it hasnt activity through intraperitoneal. 多方面研究表明,I3C是通过这些酸性反应产物在体内发挥作用的,因I3C口服给药后具活性,而通过腹腔注射则无活性。
The steel balls ( 1.03g, firing range 10m) were shot at the hind legs of pigs, and then these swines were randomly assigned into local medication group and oral medication group. 在高原以1.03g钢珠射距10m致伤猪后肢,随机分为局部用药组和全身用药组。
The curative effect after oral medication was analyzed in 4 ranks: excellent, better, good and ineffective. 治疗后评估疗效,分为4级:极好,良好,一般,无效。
PC-2 was absorbed quickly after oral medication, its analgesic effect started after 1 hour and reached the peak effect after 2 hours, the analgesia lasted 3 hours; PC-2po后吸收迅速,1h后出现镇痛效应,2h达峰值,镇痛效应可持续3h;
Objective: To study the correlation between concentration of Lp ( a) and thrombogenesis and the influence of oral aspirin medication. 目的:探讨血清脂蛋白a含量与血栓形成之间的相关关系及阿司匹林对他们的影响。
It included experimental studies and selecting of herbal medicine and formula for the disease, TCM medicine for for both oral medication and external toilet, combination of TCM and WM, contrast of TCM and WM and treating method for some syndrome from Gonorrhea. 包括抗淋菌中药、方剂的实验研究及筛选,淋病的中医内治、内治外洗、中西医结合、中西医对照,针灸及淋病后综合征治疗方法。
The diagnostic value of air-barium double contrast examination by oral medication in small intestinal disease 口服法气钡双重造影对小肠病变的诊断价值
Baduanjin group in the conventional oral hypoglycemic agents on the basis of the Gymnastic Qigong BaDuanJin intervene. The control group only use the conventional oral hypoglycemic medication without Qigong intervention. 八段锦组在常规口服降糖药治疗基础上采用健身气功八段锦进行干预,对照组只进行常规口服降糖药物治疗,无气功干预。
Now the treatment of functional constipation is still difficult, oral medication dependence and the damage to liver and kidney may occur, so acupuncture can be a more effective treatment. 目前对于功能性便秘的治疗仍然比较困难,内服药物容易出现依赖性且有发生肝肾损害的可能,因此通过针灸整体调理可以说是一项比较理想的方式。
So that, the medicine clinical oral medication safety. Conclusion: 1, relieving cough and asthma capsule pilot study showed the drug preparation, good stability, quality inspection in full compliance with national standards. 故认为,该药临床口服用药安全。结论:1、止咳平喘胶囊的中试研究表明,该药制备工艺稳定性好,质量检查完全符合国家标准。
Observe clinical symptoms and Detection the level of renal function and Red blood cell and Hemoglobin of the two groups after two months treatment by oral medication. 两组均连续口服用药2个月,结束疗程。分别观察和检测两组治疗前后临床症状、肾功能及血RBC、HGB的情况。
With the increasing of reporters to the adverse drug reactions ( ADRs), perhaps it will be an effective method to lower or avoid its ADRs that exploring the oral medication with hight bioavailability of puerarin or finding hypotoxic injectable accessories. 随着葛根素注射液不良反应报道的不断增多,开发生物利用度高的葛根素口服给药制剂或寻找毒性低的可注射用的辅料可能是降低或避免其不良反应的有效途径。
Sequential therapy is currently no clear definition, the sequential drug treatment usually refers to the continuous administration of drug to achieve a stable blood concentration of anti-tumor agents or suspended after the switch to oral medication, in order to maintain effective drug concentrations in plasma. 序贯疗法目前尚无明确的定义,药物的序贯疗法通常是指连续用药达到药物稳定的抗肿瘤血药浓度后改用口服制剂或暂停用药,以维持有效药物在血浆中的浓度。